When I think back to my lost collection, my memory brings back some of my favourite and most unexpected displays. They remind me why I so enjoy these plants – and why I lost a part of myself when my collection was destroyed. 

I had the opportunity of displaying these stunning varieties, and I was able to express my creative side as well. OK – so I may have been the only one who thought I was being creative, but don’t ruin my idealized image of myself!

I love lattice work – mostly because you can hang things from it and it makes a nice background for plants. Also, if something doesn’t work out (dies), the evidence can be easily removed.

In the photo above, I had made wooden planter boxes that I could hang on the trellis and  move around as needed. The metal circle was a wooden barrel hoop which I hung to feature the planter and the round metal trivet as a unit.  The ivy pelargonium was beautiful light green and white variegated leaf with lovely bright pink flowers.  I’m not sure what the variety was – the label read ‘Variegated Sourcoup’ but I have not been able to locate any information on that name that resembles the plant I had. The clematis is “Polish Spirit“, which still grows on this particular trellis.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to find this pelargonium again, but it is on my wishlist. (This is a not-so-subtle hint for anyone who has this plant – or who has any information about it).

The most important feature – it brought a smile to my face everything I viewed it.  And that is just about all you can ask.